
If you have an issue with Ocopea, and the documentation does not provide a resolution, the Slack channel is a good forum to connect with the Ocopea community. For creating and tracking issue reports, file on GitHub tracker.



The Ocopea Slack channel is the location for discussions covering both contributing and using information. First request an invite to {code} Community. Once on Slack, browse Channels and search for the ocopea channel. There is also an ocopea_github channel for monitoring automatic notifications from GitHub.


Follow Ocopea on Twitter


How to file

Here are sample templates that will help make it easier to triage, assign and ultimately get resolved. Cut and paste one of these into the Ocopea component's issue tracker and fill it out.


Bug Report

Expected Behavior:

Actual Behavior:

Steps to Reproduce (minimum required for the issue to happen):

Environment/Configuration (provide configuration files or list of items):


Additional information:
Enhancement Request

Desired Behavior/Feature:

Current State:

Components Involved:

Additional Information:
